Project MMO

Project MMO


[Feature Idea] NBT Value to Bypass Requirements

SomewhatDamaged opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the solution you'd like
A specific NBT value that can be set on item rewards that would allow players to use them no matter the skill requirements.

Why is this feature needed
It would, for example, allow exceptional one-time rewards that, to players, feel special because they are something special. Maybe even include a special tooltip stating this.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Grinding up some beans, brewing a pot of coffee, and sitting down to relax and caffinate myself.

Additional context
Just another random idea for a Cool Thing™️ pack makers could use.


This is already possible. consider this as an example as a tool req on a pickaxe

"nbt_requirements": {
  "TOOL": [
    {"behavior_to_previous":"ADD_TO", "should_cases_add":false,
    //uses the existence of a property to give the base item a default value. "Damage" is an example
     "cases": ["paths":["Damage"], "criteria":[{"operator":"EXISTS", "value":{"mining":100}}]]
    //SUB_FROM subtracts the default value from the item if our "Reqless" property is present
    {"behavior_to_previous":"SUB_FROM", "should_cases_add":false,
     "cases": ["paths":["Reqless"], "criteria":[{"operator":"EXISTS", "value":{"mining":100}}]]