Project MMO

Project MMO


[suggestion] Reward XP when complete the advancements

Elaski6573 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the solution you'd like
I'd like to have a system that rewards XP for completing it as a kind of mission and quest.
By using datapack, users can make PMMO like a MMORPG.

Minecraft rewards you when you complete advancements.
It gives Experience or Recipes for reward.
Add a PMMO system to this that player can get PMMO Experience by completing advancements.

Example File


Why is this feature needed
Makes PMMO like MMORPG
Allows users to config easily by using datapack.


You can already award XP from advancements by using mcfunctions. Use the @s entity selector in your commands and it will work. This has been done by other pack devs, so I know this works.