Project MMO

Project MMO


Incorrect mods.toml data.

dragoneyeeon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug
Data inside the mods.toml is that from "pmmo_compat", this can be observed inside the most recent versions mods.toml data and causes a conflict with PMMO Compat For Strictly Medieval. Due to the registered mod ID conflict neither mod is loaded and the game continues loading without any of the intended additional function.

Expected behavior
Correct mods.toml documentation preventing the conflict above.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


  • Minecraft: (1.20.1)
  • Loader: (eg. Forge-47.2.0)
  • PMMO: 1.20.1-1.2.8

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.


I am not sure what aspect of the mods.toml you are referring to. Can you reference the line in the mods.toml that you are referring to?


I'll be honest I can't reproduce the error after downgrading the files and re-updating them. It appears that curseforge somehow downloaded the PMMO file name with the contents of compat addon. A fresh download of the 1.2.8 file from curseforge as well as from browser both resulted in clean usable files.