Project MMO

Project MMO


[MC 1.20.1] Blocks un-mineable with anything other than Wooden Tools when PMMO Added

2ndRecon opened this issue · 3 comments


Describe the bug
In several 1.20.1 packs (Better Minecraft 4 for instance); when adding pmmo-1.20.1-1.2.17 , all blocks such as
dirt, stone, sand and trees become un-mineable / un-harvestable by anything other than Wood Tools or Hands.
Neither Vanilla Stone / Iron tools nor Modded Tools (Tetra, for instance) will mine any blocks.

ONLY basic wooden vanilla tools will work on their respective blocks. I reverted saves by removing PMMO and the
situation resolved.

The particular pack I noticed it on had Jade in it as well, and Jade will usually show you the tool icon and whether that block is mineable with that particular tool or not.

When PMMO is installed / running there is no tool icon and the game behaves as if there's not even a tool equipped.

(see attached screenshots)

The focus of this particular nuisance is on Better Minecraft 4, but any combination of PMMO and these type packs
results in the same outcome. No worky.

Expected behavior
Wooden, Stone, Iron tools should be able to harvest or mine any block provided there isn't an overriding situation such as
spawn protection, land claiming, etc.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Put together a quick pack of Forge 47.2.17
  2. Load at minimum, Biomes O' Plenty, Tetra and PMMO and their respective dependencies
  3. Load a new world with basic settings such as Normal diff, survival, etc.
  4. Spawn and craft or give your self wooden pick and axe. Verify you can break blocks. Also note that you are accruing XP in PMMO.
    Now, craft or give yourself stone and or craft Tetra variants of these tools.
  5. note that you will not be able to break any blocks with anything other than hands, or wooden tools.


  • attached -


  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Loader: Forge-47.2.17
  • PMMO: pmmo-1.20.1-1.2.17

Additional context

Not a big crisis, I assume this has something to do with tags, etc. But, it would be nice to be able to drop PMMO into a few of
these Vanilla+ type packs because one thing they're all missing is some sort of progression system for player and tools.
I've really enjoyed PMMO especially in packs like Engineers Life 2, and was really looking forward to using your
Mod when I saw it was 1.20.1. Hopefully you can work this into your workflow.

All the best !


That is the default for the mod. If you mouseover the tool, it should show the skill requirements to use it as a tool.

If you want to alter this, you can use a datapack (that the mod can generate) and edit the values to be whatever you wish (that link is to the config information in the wiki).


Ok, wow. Well, I feel like a heel now. Sorry for opening a big ole verbose ticket when it's known / expected behavior. I tried to do as much reading as I could to see if I could narrow the issue and everything i found led to improperly registered tags or oredict conflicts.

I'll review the docs you linked on the datapack construct and see if I can't reduce the gap for the player.

Thank you for the quick response.


No probs. And this is perfectly fine. It's better to have a few false positives than not get all the bugs caught!