Project MMO

Project MMO


No way to open the Project MMO menu

EliDaHawkMan opened this issue · 3 comments


I cannot open the menu for the mod.
When I go to the keybinds, there is not even an option for the menu keybind. I can't even use the mod.

  • Minecraft: 1.19.2
  • Loader: Forge 43.1.24
  • PMMO: 1.19-0.4.1

Project MMO


If you are looking for this menu,
it has not been implemented yet, and is currently under redesign.

"p" should still open a menu which shows details for the object you are looking at.


There is not. It is a very complex problem. The old menu benefited from many skills and abilities being hard-coded, so the glossary could display them easily using those hard-coded setups. The reworked pmmo has no hard-coding, so the glossary has to be designed in a dynamic way. It is a work in progress. You can follow that progress in Issue #5