- 7
The Auto Workbench from ProjectRed Expansion
#1048 opened by xJon - 1
Backpack Duplication
#1047 opened by wolfenx3 - 3
[Feature Request] Bundled cable cells
#1046 opened by Whodundid - 8
Auto Crafting Bench consumes inconsumable items in recipes
#1045 opened by Eufranio - 1
No coloured trees!
#1042 opened - 2
Electrotine Generator does not accept oredicted electrotine
#1041 opened by mtesseracttech - 1
Updating Blocks with bundled cable and blocks
#1040 opened by AndrewCraft-Server - 8
Server lag related to block update
#1039 opened by LemADEC - 1
[Bug] Inverted lamps
#1038 opened by Frostthejack - 1
Better bundled I/O for ICs
#1037 opened by Sasszem - 1
ProjectRed Wiki - Can't create account
#1036 opened by rihlsul - 2
not gate texture rotated (the red overlay part)
#1035 opened - 1
- 0
Need kind of help to make a working Strata support config file
#1033 opened by lightning02 - 11
[Feature Request] Item to store Gate Settings
#1032 opened by GeoDoX - 6
Server Crash, when placing IC Gate
#1031 opened by ChristianLW - 4
1.8/1.9 update
#1030 opened by tambry - 3
Bug: Toggle Latch Issues
#1029 opened by ZeroInputCtrl - 11
Request: Generate volcanoes at world creation, not chunk creation
#1028 opened by Shahelion - 1
Request: Color changing lamp
#1027 opened by Vritra22189 - 1
Request: Bus Input Panel output mode
#1026 opened by Vritra22189 - 6
#1025 opened by Carbon-Ghost - 2
Unable to place Pipes
#1024 opened by Naddox - 2
[Request]Register electrotine ore in the botani API ore handler.
#1023 opened by NolanSyKinsley - 1
Crash: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
#1022 opened by vagaprime - 7
Firewall dupe
#1021 opened by FilipK-CZ - 1
Discrepancy in Filtered Importer functionality vs RedPower Filter
#1020 opened by asteranx - 0
Startup Crash
#1019 opened by BungeeNoel - 1
Crash - mrtjp/projectred/expansion/TileFrameMotor
#1018 opened by mgwerner - 4
ConcurrentModificationException on TileAutoCrafter.refreshRecipe
#1017 opened by ZornTaov - 3
Request: IC gate Comparator input
#1016 opened by SFort - 1
Unhandled exception when using Filtered Importer
#1015 opened by aradian - 4
Can't craft the null-logic chips
#1014 opened - 3
Request: 3D Array Cells
#1013 opened by Greys0 - 1
Blender files are included in downloads
#1012 opened by immibis - 1
Crash when adding "Mechanical" Module of Project Red
#1011 opened by DonDidDon - 2
Tinker's/Thermal Integration Suggestion
#1010 opened by Almagnus1 - 1
Tinker's Construct integration breaks Signalum/Smeltery recipe
#1009 opened by Almagnus1 - 1
Block Breakers/Placers get moved by frames facing towards them
#1007 opened by 2xsaiko - 4
Crash when loading Project red
#1006 opened by ihatenoobss422 - 5
Crash on specific location (ProjectRed Exploration)
#1005 opened by tachigami - 1
silver ignot
#1004 opened by nailfor - 2
Config file overwritten everytime
#1003 opened by DinnerBuffet - 1
Auto crafter using wrong oredict entries
#1002 opened by exactly-one-kas - 1
Crash while loading while offline
#1001 opened by Shahelion - 1
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already tesselating!
#1000 opened by Tsyklop - 0
Add support for forge microparts 1.2.0
#999 opened by Fadenfire - 2
Issue with Computercraft/Bundled Cable
#998 opened by jakendrick3 - 2
Bus transiever causes signals to persist
#997 opened by TheNumenorean - 2
Redstone signal does not shut off
#996 opened by TheNumenorean