Project Red - Exploration

Project Red - Exploration


Duplication bug with Industrial Foregoing

raltus opened this issue ยท 4 comments



I was doing some testing with the blackhole, blackhole controller and the transportation pipes. I noticed rapid duplication of the items in the controller. I am not sure which item is the the conflicting one so I'm posting this in both mods.

I recorded the interaction with the items in question.


I will wait a bit on this, it might be on project red side, it works fine with other pipes. (I thought it was the issue in IF github, but I will try to replicate)


Its entirely possible its PR's side, i don't have time to look into this right away, @Buuz135 pm me(discord) if you find anything in your digging / replication.


Could it be related that the capability returns stacks sizes bigger than 64 but you can only extract stacks with max stack size of 64?


I can almost guarantee its because IF is breaking IItemHandler assumptions. I didn't get to look at it much but for one thing, I saw IF is ignoring the slot argument for inserting items and then taking care of distributing the item into its slots by itself. If it wants to do it this way, it should only present a single slot from the IItemHandler interface.