Project Red - Exploration

Project Red - Exploration


"WARNING: ProjRed|Exploration attempted to register gemPeridot"

MyEternity opened this issue ยท 2 comments


To highlight it locally for @MyEternity

A quote from Greg

My own System takes the OreDict pretty seriously, and says that whenever someone is doing things wrong. I guess you just wanted something for Crafting Recipes to use any Glass, so the private Prefix would indeed be a Solution.

I think there is a fourth load Event, which comes after Postload, called FML_LoadComplete or similar, this might help. You just need an additional Event Handler at the EventBUS because that is no normal @mod Event.

Quoted from "DarkForce"
Server spam in console on load:

"2013-11-18 19:00:32 [INFO] GT_Mod: Created a List of Tool Recipes containing 223 Recipes for recycling"Another Mod adds its Ores during postload after GregTech has gone through all the Ores for Recipe adding.

I will try to do the FML_LoadComplete for registering Recipes in the next Version."WARNING: gregtech_addon attempted to register oreOlivine very late at the OreDictionary! Some Functionality may not work as expected! Sometimes registration in Postload is required, but you should always register OreDictionary Items in the Load Phase whenever possible."

Let me guess, another Mod adds "orePeridot" during postload after my own postload finished, because Peridot gets auto-re-registered as Olivine. And Auto-Re-Registration happens at the same moment as the original Registration. Look at the OreDict.log for more Information about which Mod added the Original "orePeridot".

Essentially this is an inquiry into registering the ore's earlier. or 'privatising' (?) the ore dict. mention of peridot to make it non equivalent.

overall it would be nice to keep compat. is it possible to load/register it earlier?


I register them as soon as I'm done registering items. shouldn't be a problem.