- 1
Project Red 2 and Hwyla 1.12.2
#1579 opened by Harchvertelol - 3
Project bench IC2 tools durability bug
#1580 opened by sidboy55555 - 2
#1581 opened by Jerlag01 - 1
(Request) Layered IC chips.
#1583 opened by Zeek05 - 1
Dead mod?
#1582 opened by Zeek05 - 1
ProjectRed-1.12.2- AND Optifine
#1584 opened by guojianmin - 1
Questionable crafting behaviour
#1585 opened by Heimdell - 1
WirePropagator spamming IllegalArgumentException
#1586 opened by ImMorpheus - 0
Vanilla restone stuff can stuck on relocation
#1587 opened by Heimdell - 2
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: 1 triggering when crack player moves on MP
#1589 opened by 28Pollux28 - 2
Some weird pages with the wiki
#1590 opened by Realme23 - 0
Transportation pipes don't respond well to black hole units (1.12.2, version
#1591 opened by DrRichardEw - 1
[Wiki] Download links are 404 Fandom's home paged
#1592 opened by ExDomino - 1
[1.12.2] Gate models use too much memory
#1593 opened by SoniEx2 - 2
Moving Large Frame Machines Instantly And Permanently Freezes Client
#1594 opened by kd8lvt - 1
[Request] Non-light lamps
#1595 opened by teenangst - 0
[bug] Stock keeper chip pulls from chest items are going to due to reading own broadcast chip
#1596 opened by teenangst - 1
Chip priorities are ignored for certain storages e.g. TE caches
#1597 opened by teenangst - 1
the class is causing a lot of load on the server
#1598 opened by 1wh0am11 - 0
Compact Machines related crash
#1599 opened by jtljac - 1
Visually distinguish between Panels and Covers attached to frames
#1600 opened by busti - 1
[Bug] Possible Render Crash With JEI.
#1601 opened by ShyZShark - 3
Tick acceleration completely breaks machines
#1602 opened by jmonsky - 2
Project Red Expansion Won't run. Always crashing
#1603 opened by Waffle1257 - 2
Update project configuration (gradle, java, project file generators for IDEs)
#1604 opened by Rayzeq - 0
Yabba Barrels not accepting large quantities
#1605 opened by McfarlaneRob - 1
[Feature Request] Switch from ForgeMultipart to MCMultipart
#1606 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 1
Useless 7-segment display
#1607 opened by 4b616d696c - 1
[Question] Is there somewhere I can find a list of block ID's?
#1608 opened by dsliX - 1
Chunkloading overloading Server
#1609 opened by A9Joel - 1
Transportation system breaks when player leaves chunk
#1610 opened by SmolJess - 0
Jetpack max height config
#1611 opened by TheRdMelon - 1
[Enhancement] Apply Oredict itemSilicon to PR Silicon wafers
#1612 opened by mikeloeven - 1
Buttons pop off of panels/covers/slabs when activated
#1617 opened by Hawk777 - 1
1.15-port: Lamps doesn't recognize redstone signal
#1619 opened by Somebodyisnobody - 1
Random game crash
#1623 opened by Senliast - 5
Microblocks crash on placing illuminated button
#1620 opened by Somebodyisnobody - 0
Feature: Option for setting light levels emmitted by lamps
#1621 opened by Somebodyisnobody - 4
Crash when interconnecting bundled with framed cables
#1622 opened by NDev8 - 1
Crash while reloading resource packs on settings change
#1624 opened by NDev8 - 5
Missing Project Red - Transmission on CurseForge website
#1627 opened by Rayzeq - 2
Inverted Lamps model broken in inventory + Unordered items in Transmission creative tab
#1628 opened by Rayzeq - 1
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: mrtjp/projectred/core/ItemScrewdriver
#1629 opened by Endleon201 - 1
Computercraft Compatability Issues (1.15.5)
#1630 opened by jordan8396 - 1
[1.12.2] Project Bench crash
#1631 opened by xJon - 1
[1.16.5] Crash on dedicated servers when using Multimeter on wires
#1633 opened by ArcanoxDragon - 2
Cell gates break the mod
#1636 opened by ElNico56 - 4
Sequencers broke on last update
#1638 opened by ElNico56 - 2
[Suggestion] "bitwise" gates
#1639 opened by ElNico56 - 1
NoSuchElementException when placing button or lever, null cell, and transparent latch in IC blueprint
#1641 opened by Hawk777