Clarifcation on requests.scala
octylFractal opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I need something clarified about lines 43-50 of requests.scala
def doRequest()
if (opt.contains(RequestFlags.PULL) && doPullReq()) return
if (opt.contains(RequestFlags.CRAFT) && doExcessReq()) return
if (opt.contains(RequestFlags.CRAFT) && doCraftReq()) return
Is the if
supposed to use CRAFT
for both doExcessReq
and doCraftReq
This is rather complex code, so let me tell you what it does.
the method doRequest() starts the entire request chain. First it tries to get all the requested item directly if it is sitting in a chest somewhere, which is what doPullReq() does. Then, it tries to craft from excess items. These excess items are items that are left over from another craft (like if you request 2 pickaxes, it crafts 4 sticks, and 2 of them get used for first pickaxe, and the other two are registered as excess, and doExcessReq() picks them up for the second pickaxe.
Both excess and normal crafting check to see if the crafting flag is set. They work together to craft the end result.