Update propagation issues with cells and gates
quantumdude836 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Whenever a logic cell (such as an Invert Cell) updates, any logic gates directly attached do not see the update.
Here is an initial configuration with two NOT Gates on either side of an Invert Cell; one of the gates is separated from the cell by a wire.
Here is an update to the cell caused by a redstone torch. The NOT Gate on the left sees the update, but the NOT Gate on the right does not. Exhibits the same behavior with other gates/cells.
Minecraft version: 1.7.10
FML version:
Project:Red version:
PR mods installed: base/integration/lighting/mechanical beta/world and any dependencies (MrTJPCore, CodeChickenLib, ForgeMultipart 1.1.323). No other mods installed.