pipe isuess
Redd56 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
whenever I request a item in a pipe it crashes my single-player server (but not my game) it outputs this error: Exception in thread "PR RoutingThread #0" [11:15:23] [PR RoutingThread #0/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:-1]: mrtjp.projectred.core.lib.LabelThrowable
and before if i had requested a item that was in a chest 200 blocks away It DESPAWNS :,(
also the microblocks sometimes scratch that Always crash me. was that just a bug?
that is all that happens and i dont know how to get more detail. Is there a way to get a more in depth way of looking at what my singleplayer server is doing?
and also I had an idea on why the item disappears/despawns. could it be that the pipes are out of my chunk distance