Project: Vibrant Journeys

Project: Vibrant Journeys


[1.18.2-4.1.1] Missing spawn in TerraForged or Terralith biomes

DRACTION opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi, missing spawn for all in check

} else if(overworld(biomeTypes, holder) && !biome.getRegistryName().toString().equals("biomesoplenty:origin_valley")) {

Easy to reproduce (just install one of this mods and find their biomes).
And I see that you have disabled the biome tag check in

	private boolean hasAnyTag(Optional<Holder<Biome>> biome, TagKey<Biome>... tags) {
//		for(TagKey<Biome> tag : tags) {
//			return;
//		}
		return false;

I see that Optional<Holder<Biome>> biome is sometimes empty...

I'm not a Java developer, but I believe you can handle it)))


I'm not really sure what this is asking for?
Edit: nevermind, I'll check it out
BTW tags are not available during the biome loading event which is the reason for disabling it