Project: Vibrant Journeys

Project: Vibrant Journeys


Incorrect Item Tags

coffinbag opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Each one of the json files under data\minecraft\tag\items is just a duplicated logs.json, meaning anytime anyone tries to craft with a hollow log they get 4 of a random wood plank. sometimes this will result in oak hollow log turning into 4 dark oak planks and so forth. This is not a mod conflict as I dug into the .jar file and discovered that each json under the above file path was the exact same byte size. I opened each one in notepad++ and saw the following:

"replace": false,
"values": [

only logs.json should have all of the above tags. This causes minecraft to make all plank recipes, regardless of wood type use all of the hollow logs.

This is the cause of #189