Project: Vibrant Journeys

Project: Vibrant Journeys


Suggestion: Setting for global groundcover density

nickjackson-ff opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I want to reduce the overall presence of groundcover in the world, but adjusting the individual density settings for each variant of groundcover is a bit of a pain (there are a lot of variants, especially with BoP).

A global setting for the density of all groundcover (or every variant of each groundcover type) would make this task easy to accomplish. It could work as a multiplier [0.0-1.0] for "normal" density.


Ah yeah sounds great. Sorry for the late reply, I saw this when it was posted but forgot about it. Yeah, updates are coming slow because I'm busy with other things.


This mod isn't dead! Just taking a break. Global density for nearly everything added in v1.5.0!