


Nether biome generation is turned off by default

FwuffyPetsOwO opened this issue · 4 comments


What happened?

The /locatebiome command fails to find any of the five Promenade Nether Biomes in 1.18.2, regardless of the existence (or lack thereof) of other mods like TerraBlender. I am using Promenade version 2.6.1. There are no errors in the log files. I have tested with Fabric Loader versions 0.13.3 and 0.14.3 and this issue is present with both.

Dawn API version


Fabric API version


Relevant log output

No response


Can reproduce. This is very weird, since I add them both via vanilla and as a TerraBlender region...


I made a bug report on TerraBlender's repository, assuming it comes from the API itself: Glitchfiend/TerraBlender#66


Okay, it is infuriating how DUMB I am.
I set the default option for nether biome spawning to FALSE!

public boolean tall_nether_forests = false;

public boolean nether_galleries = false;

If you wish to turn them on again, you can do so turning the setting on again (via ModMenu in the Mods screen, or in the .minecraft\config\promenade\biomes.json file, replace false with true)
I deeply apologise for this mistake, to you and everyone that would see this ticket. I am so, so stupid.


Oop, glad to dee that this was a simple issue. Everyone makes silly mistakes sometimes, an in the end there's no harm done here. Good luck with the future of this mod, you've done really great work so far and I'm quite excited to see what else you can do :)