


[COMPADABILITY], [BALANS] CAD is too powerfull with The Twilght Forest mod

User-green opened this issue · 3 comments


I think, that CAD can seriusly brack balans if PSI is used with The Twilght Forest:

  • Usage of the "Breack block" trick in the Minutaur maze dangeoun — Spell allows to brake walls of the maze too fast (usualy braking one maze block requires 10-15 seconds with efficiency 5 diamond pick, but spell does it instantly). To solve this "mineing time" (like with normal pick) can be added to "Breack block" trick for touth blocks.
  • Usage of the "Smite" trick to fight boses — Allows to wall youself with blocks and slowly wear down bosses remotly. Solution: Caster (or projectile/granade/mine/charge) must see the target to use the "smite" trick. Same should be done for "Explode" and all effects-tricks.To balans this added weekneses — make all effected spells cost less.

Issue on the TF github


What's Twilight Forest?


The Twilight Team will not bother with balansing on on thayer side. Closeing.