- 1
REI Crash involving Red Hangar Light
#51 opened by Bullseye55 - 1
the game trying to load mod but it tells required fabric (launched on forge)
#53 opened by leetmine1 - 1
проблема с вязи с новым обновлениями ядра фабрика. нужно мод переписать под новое ядро на версию 1.19.2
#83 opened by Chniper - 2
Crash -1 when trying to load game
#87 opened by M1llyM0o - 2
1.20.1 Crash on Launch
#90 opened by Hexblood - 5
1.20.1 Client Crash
#92 opened by Gamerbolts - 1
Mod straight up doesn't work with 1.20.1 Fabric
#93 opened by 233Neon - 3
creates new TrackedDataHandlers
#96 opened by TropheusJ - 3
Crash while generating a new world
#55 opened by frikinjay - 9
Crash with blasters on 1.18
#57 opened by frikinjay - 3
Crash with Indium
#58 opened by Niketats - 2
Lightsabers bug with shaders
#59 opened by Niketats - 0
1.18.2 Crash
#60 opened by lartts - 2
Crash when trying to spawn in a blaster.
#62 opened by frikinjay - 1
Not Compatible with optifabric
#64 opened by ghostbalone - 0
Getting this crash in 1.19.2
#66 opened by Daihok41 - 1
Crash - Equiping armor, specifically mandalorian armors PSWG 0.0.99-alpha-1.19.3
#74 opened by CaptWesleyWong - 1
Only the half of the mod
#79 opened by DerSith - 2
1.20.1 Crash on World Load
#80 opened by Gamerbolts - 1
"Incompatible mod sets" when loading on 1.20.1
#81 opened by flakface - 1
crash at loadin on two machines mac and pc
#82 opened by lunaspice - 2
Incompatible with Sodium in 1.20.2
#101 opened by Edgryphon - 1
Mod Crashes on 1.20.1
#100 opened by Edgryphon - 1
Incompatible with shaders.
#105 opened - 6
Will this mod ever get planets?
#104 opened - 1
Two suns effect not showing up.
#103 opened - 2
X-wing is causing an infinite crashing cycle on my world
#107 opened by syzygy2896 - 5
game crashes on startup and the issue seems to be the mod itself
#108 opened by DARKLOL680 - 1
Game doesn't start with Galaxies: Parzi's Star Wars Mod
#109 opened by Wolfram-24 - 0
Item and vehicle sounds tend to crash
#31 opened by parzivail - 3
Lightsaber Crash on Endor
#32 opened by darkknight2013 - 9
Forge 1.7.10 server crash
#34 opened by Dezzy201 - 2
1.12.2 Crash ?
#35 opened by Dezzy201 - 3
Crash when starting server.
#38 opened by HIGamer07 - 2
It crashed when starting the game
#39 opened by Acgamble - 3
Can not be used normally
#47 opened by taiwan-king - 4
1.17 Crash When Firing Guns
#48 opened by lartts - 0
Hangar lights rendering broken
#7 opened by parzivail - 0
Lighting blocks do not emit light
#8 opened by parzivail - 2
Ladders do not work as ladders
#9 opened by parzivail - 0
Block hitboxes do not work when block has custom dimensions
#10 opened by parzivail - 0
Tile entity rendering slow, especially when multiple are together
#11 opened by parzivail - 0
"Lit" parts of JSON block models get dimmer during storms and at night
#12 opened by parzivail - 0
JSON block models too dark when held
#15 opened by parzivail - 0
Smoke grenades crash servers
#13 opened by parzivail - 0
Other players cannot hear blasters on servers
#14 opened by parzivail - 1
Force powers with rendering (e.g. Lightning) work on dedicated servers, but not LAN servers
#16 opened by parzivail - 0
Blaster holes don't disappear after removing the block
#19 opened by kb-1000 - 1
Lightsaber open/close shouldn't have use animation
#20 opened by kb-1000 - 1
Lightsabers do the full damage even when off
#25 opened by ThunderSphun