


EMI fail on 1.20.1

Blayung opened this issue ยท 0 comments



Btw, before you fix it, could you explain these things to me?

  • how to get lsa
  • how to get lsd
  • how to use harmonium
  • where to get power from
  • what to do with agave and how to harvest it
  • what to do with belladonna berries
  • what to do with juniper berries
  • what to do with jimsonweed
  • how to get obsidian dust/bottle
  • how to craft coffee
  • how to warm coffee up
  • how to use the bong
  • how to use the pipe
  • how to use barrels
  • where to find magical red and brown mushrooms
  • how to use syringes (how to fill with coke and stuff)
  • how to get pure caffeine
  • how to make coca tea
  • how to get the cocaine fluid
  • what is the tray
  • what is the bunsen burner
  • what's psychedelicraft:warmth
  • how to get bath salts

I've figured out the basics (marijuana, peyote, alcohol, cocaine powder, growing winegrapes), but the rest of this mod is very unclear.