PvP Legacy Utils

PvP Legacy Utils


Possibility of inclusion in the LifeMC modpack of the LifeMC Studios team

Nukecraft5419 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello we at LifeMC Studios are considering including this mod in our modpack, our modpack is on 3 versions 1.18.2, 1.19.4, 1.20.1 and it all runs on fabric we noticed that your mod is currently not for 1.18.2, and we would like to ask if it is possible to backport it to 1.18.2 and then have a list of incompatibilities to see if it will give problems with other mods in the modpack, the modpack is almost out we hope to include it before the release


Hello! I'm glad to hear that. However, I am not interested in supporting 1.18.2. Thank you for your offer, though.


Thank you anyway, in case you change your mind we will be ready to put this mod into our modpack after due testing