Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) / Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL)

Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) / Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL)


Update to 1.20.2/3

IrisWasTaken1 opened this issue ยท 17 comments


The latest version crashes when using with 1.20.2




There is a pull request open, which means it's being worked on. 1.20.2 support is not released yet, please be patient.

I don't know if it needs anything other than approvals at this point, at a quick look the issues with it seem to have been resolved, but I'm not sure, just wait for the Quilt team.


I went to modrinth and i saw 1.20.1 and not 1.20.2, but i downloaded it and it doesn't work


QSL for 1.20.2 has released a snapshot. Work on this will begin soon


See QuiltMC/quilt-standard-libraries#346. This needs to be done first


Not sure what that is, seems to be some outdated branch... definitely not 1.20.2-ready.

This branch is 7 commits behind 1.20.

And last commit in August.


Yes. The PR I linked is the update.

2023-11-13 132243

When will a stable version of QFAPI & QSL supporting MC 1.20.2 be released?


Please stop asking for the 1.20.2 update. It's in the works since there's a pull request open. Let to QFAPI devs the time they need...

Showing the Modrinth page won't do anything, they know that they didn't released it yet since they didn't finished it yet.


Maybe we need update issue title with "1.20.3"?


Maybe we need update issue title with "1.20.3"?

I think that "Update to 1.20.2/3/4" should fit better now ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Please stop asking for the 1.20.2 update. It's in the works since there's a pull request open. Let to QFAPI devs the time they need...

Showing the Modrinth page won't do anything, they know that they didn't released it yet since they didn't finished it yet.

So that what went wrong that make them still not publish 1.20.2 update?
And what can we do while it isn't publish yet?


Please stop asking for the 1.20.2 update. It's in the works since there's a pull request open. Let to QFAPI devs the time they need...

Showing the Modrinth page won't do anything, they know that they didn't released it yet since they didn't finished it yet.

So that what went wrong that make them still not publish 1.20.2 update?
And what can we do while it isn't publish yet?

Some changes has been made that create conflicts between Fabric Env and Quilt Env that are hard to resolve, plus, QFAPI maintainers are really busy recently, and all of these things are delaying the release of the 1.20.2 version. We can't really do other things at the moment than waiting for them to finish the compatibiliy between both envs.


any updates at all? I love what you guys are doing, I just wanna see if i can figure out when i can expect to be able to use it


the team is working on it, please wait
it's not because not any commits are pushed that they're not working on it

