Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


NBT Shifting and Endless Duplication with Backpacks

abboip opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Log: https://paste.ee/p/cor8c
Tested and reproduced with Quark1.5-152 and Quark Oddities on Forge

Equipping a backpack and then shift clicking items into it from your inventory will pass NBT data from other items into things you're swapping into your backpack. (Not quite sure how to explain it, but that's what I assume is going on.)

If you die with items in your backpack, they'll start duplicating endlessly on death until the game freezes.


Can't reproduce.


I took two videos, perhaps this will help more.

In this video, I'm shift clicking the items into and out of the backpack. It's giving the other items the NBT data from the pickaxe.

In this video, I had three diamond tools in my backpack and died. They started duplicating the contents of my backpack endlessly.

These are with the default generated config file too, except for the death one where all I did was disable the totem of holding. Both Quark and Autoreglib are updated and the only mods installed.

And the log files are the exact same as the one listed above, nothing different is showing in them.


The endless duplication on death still isn't fixed as of r1.5-154 for me.