Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


Possible Violation of Minecraft EULA

tgstyle opened this issue · 5 comments


Your Black Lives Matter message as honorable as you think it may be, could be in violation of Minecrafts EULA.


See bold in this section below -


If you make any content available on or through our Game, you agree to give us permission to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, and publicly display that content. This permission is irrevocable, and you also agree to let us permit other people to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, and publicly display your content. You are not giving up your ownership rights in your content, you are just giving us and other users permission to use it. For example, we may need to copy, reformat, and distribute content that you post on our website so others can read it. If you don't want to give us these permissions, do not make content available on or through our Game. Please think carefully before you make any content available, because it may be made public and might even be used by other people in a way you don't like.

If you are going to make something available on or through our Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal, it must be honest, and it must be your own creation. Some examples of the types of things you must not make available using our Game include: posts that include racist or homophobic language; posts that are bullying or trolling; posts that are offensive or that damage our or another person's reputation; posts that include porn or someone else's creation or image; or posts that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people.

Any content you make available on our Game must also be your creation or you must have permission or the legal right to do it. You must not and you agree that you will not make any content available, using the Game that infringes the rights of others. '

We reserve the right to take down any content in our discretion.


I don't see exactly how a BLM message is in violation of the EULA. It isn't racist, homophobic, bullying, or trolling. It damages no one's reputation. It doesn't have porn, it's all Vazkii's work. It doesn't impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people. It's not illegal. The only thing here that is even remotely close to making it an infringement is that it could theoretically offend fragile white racists. So I think it's safe.


Hi! Helen Zbihlyj from Mojang Studios here. Mojang Studios proudly supports the Black Lives Matter movement & we donated all of our profits on Juneteenth to it. Vazkii’s work here does not violate our EULA or Commercial Use Guidelines. It would be so lovely if every Minecraft community member joined us in supporting the Black community. Hope this helps! :)


Thanks @HelenAngel as a Mod Dev and Mod Pack Creator myself I just want to make sure we all follow the guidelines.


It is great that you are making efforts to support Black Lives Matter, a black supremacist group dedicated to causing senseless destruction, murder, chaos, dismantling the decades of work to eradicate racial discrimination on all sides, as well as trying to bring about communism which is a system of government responsible for more deaths than even the holocaust itself. My question is why you are not also supporting ISIS. ISIS is working hard to try to improve and further the ideals of Islam all around the world, even at the cost of their own lives, and I would argue are having a harder time of things than Black Lives Matter who already has many influential and wealthy individuals, as well as the majority of the American government, companies, and media backing them.

Call it trolling if you want, but I hope that you one day understand that knee-jerk activism is not a good way to help those in need. Also George Floyd died of fentanyl overdose, amongst other things, and while that cop deserves to be punished for bad judgement and reckless endangerment, the real necessary act is demilitarizing the US police force. Maybe campaign for that instead since it would actually solve the problem rather than trying to aid a group that is literally the black version of the KKK and only making things worse?

This goes for you as well @HelenAngel, if you really are Helen Zbihlyj and not just a fake account claiming to be her, because by these standards you are espousing here in this thread a nag screen supporting ISIS and/or KKK would qualify as not violating the EULA. That is a very, VERY dark path to go down, and I hope you seriously think about this.

Sincerely yours,
A newly ex Quark user. Politics and hatred have no place in Minecraft.


ok boomer