Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


False Political Narrative in Intro Screen Hijacks Game [Bug, Suggestion]

WHCTHBD opened this issue · 3 comments


There are millions of police encounters per year. Few end in death. Very few (single digit) are wrongful. The breakdown follows. No doubt the OP will close this immediately because they are afraid of the truth.

The use of Minecraft and its modifications as a political engine is disgusting and targets children who have no critical thinking skills.

Shame on you Vasco Lavos. It is absolutely abhorrent of you to manipulate children in this way. Curse should remove you from their platform for this act that has continued across multiple versions despite several posts disproving your narrative.

Translated to Vazkii's home language (Based on Twitter Profile):

Existem milhões de encontros policiais por ano. Poucos terminam na morte. Muito poucos (um dígito) são ilegais. Segue a repartição. Sem dúvida, o OP encerrará isso imediatamente, porque tem medo da verdade.

O uso do Minecraft e suas modificações como um mecanismo político é nojento e tem como alvo crianças que não têm habilidades de pensamento crítico.

Que vergonha, Vasco Lavos. É absolutamente abominável da sua parte manipulá-los dessa maneira. A maldição deve removê-lo da plataforma deles por esse ato que continuou em várias versões, apesar de várias postagens que refutaram sua narrativa.

In 2019 per the Washington Post, a known liberal news source
1004 people were shot and killed by police in total.
236 people were Black.
376 people were White.
These are people having encounters with the police.
Populations do not matter in this instance as it is a specific type of encounter, typically initiated by a crime or suspected activity.
Let's break it down further.
154 Black people had a firearm that were killed by police.
31 Black people had a knife.
18 Black people used a vehicle as a weapon.
5 Black people had a fake firearm.
12 Black people had another form of weapon.
That leaves 15 that were allegedly unarmed. Unarmed includes use of melee attacks (fist, kicking, choking) .
3 of those 15 were fleeing the scene by car.
5 of those were fleeing the scene by foot.
This database does not state about non-lethal use of force.
Considering current practices and widespread deployment of Taser tech, we can safely assume it was deployed in most if not all cases.
That leaves 7 total encounters that have some question (Not documentated as fleeing, documented as unarmed or melee) .
Remember that 7. Let's take a look at the data.

1 of the 7 is Kevin Mason, 57 years old. Per WBAL TV, Mr. Mason repeatedly said that he had a gun & would shoot our officers if they stayed on this property. He was quoted by 911 dispatchers as saying "You need to tell these police to get the (expletive) away from my door. If they don't, I'm gonna come out there and blast their (expletive) and kill every last one of them." Clearly that was a suicide by police. Sad but unavoidable. Police and public safety must be held at the top priority. There is no reasonable way to know whether Mr. Mason had a weapon ahead of time.

2 of 7. De'Von Bailey. What we do have is that he reached for his waistband (Everyone knows not to do this. Keep your hands visible. Cops always tell you this.). News5 in Colorado was able to search court records and even pull an affidavit that says he was accused of sex crimes in El Paso County. Court documents reveal Bailey had interactions with police three times since 2015. Charges from two of those incidents were dismissed by the district attorney. Court records also show Bailey was facing charges tied to two victims. The charges include Criminal Attempt- sexual assault on a child by one in position of trust. Court records show Bailey pled not guilty to the charges about a week ago. UPDATE: He had a gun! The Washington Post failed to update this one.
911 Call and Bodycam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfz4IGMlh0g&feature=emb_title
The law requires officers take necessary steps to protect innocent bystanders and themselves from a fleeing felon in possession of a firearm

3 of 7. Josef Delon Richardson. We have little information to go on here. Richardson did have a criminal background. He had multiple drug arrests and in 2005, he was convicted of resisting an officer, battery of an officer, and simple battery. Likely was a self-defense shot.

4 of 7. Michael Dean. Temple Texas - This case is still under review. Sadly this appears to be a bad shot. The officer involved has been indicted on manslaughter charges and resigned from the department. We do not have bodycam for this one.

5 of 7. Atatiana Jefferson. Fort Worth, TX - Officer Involved is Aaron Dean. He is no longer an officer with Fort Worth. He was arrested and the warrant is written off of information obtained from Dean’s body camera. Likely a bad shot. He has been arrested and fired. Pending court.

6 of 7. Melvin Watkins. Baton Rouge, LA - Family indicated husband became violent, was asked to leave. Stabbed a door with a screwdriver. Sheriff's Office was called for the disturbance. It appears the suspect was attempting to flee by driving into a barricade set up by officers, upon which shots were deployed. The officer has resigned and further investigation is ongoing. Unable to obtain criminal history for Melvin Watkins.

7 of 7. Channara Tom Pheap. Knoxville, TN - Justified OIS - Review presentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkA_4Jt4dT0 "crime scene photographs, police cruiser video and five eyewitness statements — that all together corroborated Williams' account he shot Pheap because he feared for his life when Pheap choked him, grabbed his Taser and used it on him during a struggle at a local apartment complex."

Based on the above information. We have 2 total bad shots, with 1 possible questionable.
The 2 bad shots have been arrested and fired. It appears the narrative of "cops getting away with murder" is very weak if not nonexistent.

That leaves 1 non charged questionable shot of 236 Black people shot by police in 2019.

Remember that number.

1. out of millions of police encounters per year.

For bonus points, because Facebook will not allow me to post the statistic here, go look at Table 43 of the FBI's Crime Statistics database for 2018.
(2019 report is not complete as of this writing)
That will show you the % of violent crimes committed by population group.

TL;DR - The police being "murderers" narrative is complete and utter bullshit. The data is available for review in most cases.
While even one bad shot is a tragedy, the overall rate is phenomenally low and enforcement of the law is consistent, regardless of having a badge or not


1004 people shot by police is 1004 too many.


Inb4 vazkii locks this issue anyway get fucked

