1.16.4 crash on reload of save
5kedone opened this issue · 20 comments
first load works fine , but when you reload the save state the game fails to load the world due to a data pack error, can provide the link to debug.log , but doesn't really state the issue any more than saying datapack loading fail server stopped
Twilight forest was apperently the problem for me, don't know why but quark and twilight forest do not work together
I'm experiencing this problem. I will try to disable quark and enable again. Will update comment after.
Edit: Nope. Didn't do anything dammit. My problem started 2 days ago. I have no idea what mod I updated for it to happen. I haven't installed any new ones. Also the datapack selection screen when creating a new world states that few mods that have worked before are supposedly incompatible.
Hello! Quark's moved to 1.18 now-- unfortunately, this means that (unless your bug is critical and/or game-breaking), we're closing support for issues filed for versions prior to it (e.g. Quark on 1.16).
If your issue still occurs on 1.18, or if your issue happens to be rather critical (e.g. consistently crashing the game with no other mods present), please leave another note or open a new issue. Thanks for your cooperation!
Here you go was from yesterday but same issue on today forge and latest mod version
https://youtu.be/2JxUdmQhP8g its just publishing now
Because after removing mods and retesting one by one the only mod that caused the error was this mod if I remove it it loads , if I put it back in it crashes
Weird. The log really doesn't have anything relevant to this. Can you record a video?
Weird. The log really doesn't have anything relevant to this. Can you record a video?
Video uploaded link below
I too have this error after updating. If you need a log from me I can give you one. Further testing my error might be different
I too have this error after updating. If you need a log from me I can give you one. Further testing my error might be different
What was causing yours as it might be a mod interaction error ?
I too have this error after updating. If you need a log from me I can give you one. Further testing my error might be different
What was causing yours as it might be a mod interaction error ?
mine could be just a kubejs error.
Can't be my error I don't have that installed lol , well looks like I'm never getting to bottom of this one , so time to stop checking quark updates daily lol
Yeah forge ect all up-to-date all mods and forge updated daily in the AM, as I am right now , but this issues been happening since 10-12 days ago now , took me a day or two to figure which mod was culprit as had to do the old remove and test , and reload world twice to hit error lol , been checking every quark update since and always as soon as I add it boom get that error
Same here. No quark, no error. Add quark, create world, ok. Exit and load same world with no changes, boom - data pack errors. Love quark but this is frustrating!
Mods: https://pastebin.com/n859eKTZ