Crate scrollbar can't be dragged
Closed this issue ยท 4 comments
Quark 308
Oddities 1.16.3 (oddities version number when)
Forge 36.0.42
-Crucial 2-
Can't drag the scrollbar of the Crate leaving the mouse scroll wheel as only way to navigate them.
Annoying when there are a lot of items in the crate but you can't drag the scrollbar
Hasn't this feature been added yet?
As far as I can tell, this makes the crate almost completely useless to me. I have a disability which makes using "normal" mice difficult, so I use a trackball --> My trackball does not have a scroll wheel --> Scroll wheel is the only (non-tedious) way to use the crate's "required secondary power" of being able to retrieve items that were stored using its "primary power" (the extended stack limit).
I might be able to work around this in the same way I work around my inability to use a keyboard (i.e. find a virtual alternative) but it would be really nice if you can get the scrollbar working.
thank you so much!
going to see if I can get your update pulled into the pack I'm playing now, ATM8. I also need to figure out why ATM8 doesn't show the crate in JEI at all, I doubt they would have disabled it?