Big Dungeons spawning in biomes generated by BetterEnd, The Endergetic Expansion and The Outer End
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Although I'm not sure whether it's all of the mods, one of the mods, or two of the mods that's causing the problem, I do know that at least one of them causes the problem, as they spawn despite the biome type blacklist containing end. These three biomes are the only mods that I have that concern world generation in the end.
You can put those end biomes on a blacklist in the config.
There are a lot of biomes that these three mods altogether, and considering that Quark is supposed to be a mod that is simple to use and is supposed to work well out of the box, I'm not sure whether this is the best option. I am not sure what I would need to write in the configuration for every biome that the mods BetterEnd, The Outer End and The Endergetic Expansion add. In the blacklist, do I write "betterendforge", "outer_end" and "endergetic"? I have tried that before, and they don't end up appearing in the blacklist afterwards.
Well in a way it is the best option because I think it might be the only option.
The biome ids are like any resourcelocation. The format is modid:biomeid. So for jungle it would be minecraft:jungle.
Anyways, I think Quark should have a dimension blacklist.
As far as I'm aware, you can't do dimension blacklists for structures, I've tried.
Alas, there should be a blacklist for biome categories in the config where you can just add the end category. If that doesn't stop the structure from spawning, it's because the biomes are incorrectly categorized.