Missing recipes.
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There are some recipes that are seemingly missing that should be in Quark;
The following list contain blocks missing the (4 stairs to 3 block) recipes;
Crimson Planks
Warped Planks
Blackstone Stairs
Polished Blackstone Stairs
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Myalite Brick Stairs
Blackstone Brick Stairs
Dirt Brick Stairs
Netherrack Brick Stairs
Basalt Brick Stairs
Terracotta Shingle Stairs
Blue Nether Brick Stairs
Twisting Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Weeping Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs
Polished Myalite
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs
Polished Deepslate Stairs
Deepslate Brick Stairs
Deepslate Tile Stairs
Smooth Basalt Stairs
Image This should work, my internet has been acting a little strange lately.