Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


[1.18] Foxhounds' weird behaviour

LeoBeliik opened this issue ยท 1 comments


AutoRegLib-1.7-52 | Quark-3.0-334 | QuarkOddities-1.18

I've noticed some irregularities with the foxhound AI, this was going to be a report of them never waking up but:

  • Foxhounds tend to pathfind to unlit furnaces and try to sleep on them, and failing, even with other lit furnaces around.
  • Foxhounds don't actively pathfind to magma blocks, tho they will sleep on them if they happen to randomly get there.
  • Which follows to the main bug, Foxhounds that start sleeping on magmablocks will never wake up unless you break the block or punch the doggo

The desirable behaviour would be them waking up with right click.
Also sometimes the dog will follow you even when they're sleeping


the main bug is fixed