Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


Magnet whitelist does not affect blocks without a `BlockItem`

gamma-delta opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello, I am working on a modpack where you have to move a single unbreakable block around to do a lot of tasks, and I want to use Quark for its magnet. So I've added the block to the magnet whitelist, but it doesn't react.

I think this is because of the way the list of magnetic blocks is created. Zeta's api for recursively finding crafted items only works on items. Because I've purposely made the block not have a BlockItem (to make sure the player can't accidentally pick it up), it doesn't get put into magnetizableBlocks.

Will submit a pull request shortly probably. Should be an easy fix? just add all of the blocks from the whitelist to the hashset directly. Or implement it with a tag, which is probably the "correct" solution.

Here's logs just in case: https://mclo.gs/FFTl3Rv


I believe the recipe crawl system was used over a tag because there's a lot of mods adding recipes using iron and we don't want to worry about adding compat for all of them.

The allowlist/denylist config options definitely should be interpreted as block IDs, not as item IDs, though.