Quark Oddities

Quark Oddities


java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 507 out of bounds for length 0

astromaster21 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


crash log.txt

im using the atm9 modpack and im having this issue

i dont know why im getting this error cause i dont really know what the index it's talking about is
i haven't found any info on how to solve this nor found the same issue that happened to other people


Also getting the same crash in ATM9. Here is my crash log.

It only happened once, after restarting I haven't had the issue since.



Getting the same crash with index 5 instead.
Using the all the mods 9 mod pack,
works a few times before encountering this issue on start up, requiring a re-install of the modpack to alleviate


I'm getting a similar crash in a custom pack, Index 666 out of bounds for length 0 , here's the crash log:


I suspect it's to do with Yung's mods again or Drippy Loading Screen, could also be Immediately Fast

Edit: Probably better to put a pastebin link just in-case mclogs expires: https://pastebin.com/gA2JhgFb


Same issue Exception message: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 215 out of bounds for length 0



Also the same issue, with many, many different Index numbers. This particular crash is Index 331, but I've had numerous instances of this crash with different Index numbers. Normally I wouldn't report it given I'm using Sinytra Connector, but since others are having this issue, perhaps this will help.

MC Crash Log - Pastebin

I do notice that most of the logs here seem to have YUNG's mods in them, maybe @DataDalton was onto something?


Similar issue, this time for Ozone Skyblock Reborn. Crash log is attached.

It seems to be random, as restarting allowed it to load properly, and OSR's devs have reported this as a workaround, as well.



same issue, also with YUNG's, what's happening?


EDIT 1: downgrading to quark 4.0-458 and zeta 1.0-19 allows MC to open, we'll see if it was a fluke or a fix

EDIT 2: seems like this is an actual solution for the time being. have not had any quark-related crashes (or any crashes) since downgrading.


Same issue here! A temporary fix is changing forge version but doesn't work reliably.