[1.16.3] Big dungeons generate in the end mid air even when disabled
e3valdas opened this issue ยท 5 comments
First of all they shouldn't generate in the end no matter what.
Then they shouldn't generate mid air.
Finally, they shouldn't generate there when specified not to. Here's my server's configuration file:
"Loot Table" = "minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon"
#The chance that a big dungeon spawn candidate will be allowed to spawn. 0.2 is 20%, which is the same as the Pillager Outpost.
"Spawn Chance" = 0.1
"Chest Chance" = 0.5
"Max Rooms" = 10
#Allowed values: [[none, taiga, extreme_hills, jungle, mesa, plains, savanna,
# the_end, beach, forest, ocean, desert, river, swamp,
# mushroom, nether]
"Biome Categories" = ["ocean", "beach"]
"Is Blacklist" = true
Is this the one you need?