Quarry Reborn

Quarry Reborn


[bug | 0.5.0] Full power before setup

TheRealM18 opened this issue ยท 13 comments


I was testing in singleplayer, and found out that if you put a creative solar beside the quarry, and has not been setup before the whole process is full, it will make the quarry not to be able to work at all.

I was able to fix it, by setting it up first, then giving it power.


Thx for report, I will look on it


Can't reproduce it. Did u gave quarry tubes after charging?


I can't remember, but was able to do it multiple times. Maybe I was not able to get the pipes in fast enough too.


I think it is the action is do for the tubes, and not able to continue for action to start. and yes I is 0.5.1


You require a inventory to give the tube to the machine. This is an issue, as if do not know that, I assumed that I could just place them there, without the inventory connected to it.


U mean change error description? And could you write steps to reproduce this bug, because for now I can't find a way to do it


What u mean by external inventory? Something like chest or hopper? So I need to place it manually, in quarry inventory?


To reproduce the error, here are the following steps:

  1. Place down the quarry.
  2. Place inside the quarry the quarry tubes, without going through an external inventory.
  3. Give the quarry power.

This should give the error, as I should not need to configure them into the configuration tab to get it to work.


Yes, you will need to place it in manually into its slots. a hopper or chest is how it works now, just not manually placed in.


Trying to reproduce
ezgif com-gif-maker (6)


allow the full process to reach max before adding them then. I will try to make a gif, or maybe the mod is still out of date.


Somehow it's fixed in 0.5.2. Not sure how, but is. If you want to close this ticket you can.


Happy to hear. Anyway, thanks for reporting.