[1.20.1 Server] Crash on startup with Improved Mobs mod
MrKashew opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Minecraft version
Modloader version
tried with latest mod version afterwards and same crash still
Similar issue. Downgrading Forge is not an option due to other mod's minimum version requirements.
Well, actually, the issue seems to be from Forge. The Improved Mobs mod needs at least version 47.1.3. When downgrading the Forge version from 47.1.43 to 47.1.3, I had no issues. Please downgrade your Forge version if possible, and in case it does not work for you, please let me know.
Seems to be an issue with my armor materials class. That's strange, though; nothing seems to be wrong. I will take a closer look into it and bring a fix as soon as possible. Thanks for letting me know about this issue.
Hi there, I got a crash with Minecolonies, very similar to this one, ldtteam/minecolonies#9599
referencing this line also at com.cerbon.queen_bee.item.QBArmorMaterials.m_7366_(QBArmorMaterials.java:54)
Using Neoforge 47.1.79, and downgrading is no longer an option