Quicksand (Forge)

Quicksand (Forge)


[1.18.2] [v1.3.0] Quicksand causes client crash

Cixon opened this issue ยท 3 comments


To be honest, the provided logs seemed not helpful as they should be: there're no stack trace for the error, actually not even a single line of message about the error is provided. It seemed that the logger itself was also interrupted by some exception, which is very unexpected.

I need more valid crash reports / logs to figure out what exactly was happening. If you found it hard to reproduce a normal crash report / log, try switching to another launcher or reduce mods.


i am not able to start my launcher. yes, i have other mods installed.


Came across this while having the same issue. It seems to be Debugify (1.11.0-forge-1.18.2).
Since its author doesn't support Forge anymore anyway it's probably a good idea to drop Debugify, who knows how many undocumented bugs there are...