Railcraft Reborn

Railcraft Reborn


Stackoverflow when connecting Signal Boxes

Mega2223 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Description of the Bug

When connecting two signal capacitors and one signal receiver the game crashes after a signal is updated then ticked, likely due to one of them trying to get the other's current state which is based from it's own state.

Railcraft Reborn version


NeoForge/Forge version


Minecraft version


Minecraft server


To Reproduce

  1. Place two block signals and connect them accordingly
  2. Place a signal receiver and link it to one of the signals
  3. Place a signal capacitor on one of the sides of said signal receiver
  4. Place a second signal capacitor on one of the sides of the first signal capacitor
  5. Trigger an update on the signal receiver

Expected behavior

The game should continue normally, if the contraption described above is paradoxical then there should be some kind of safeguard for the stack overflowing.

Logs & Environment

The log is too long and Github is screaming at me.
Here's the crash log: https://pastebin.com/DPzp67jH

Screenshots & Video

The apocalypse machine! Placing a train between the signals will instantly crash the server.