Railcraft Reborn

Railcraft Reborn


Junction breaking causes infinite tracks whit a spike maul

ElRichiRicon opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Description of the Bug

Breaking a junction drops a rail, while only changing the junction to a normal rail. This means that using a spike maul to change a rail into a junction and then breaking it, a rail has been duplicated. This works with any type of rail.

Railcraft Reborn version


NeoForge/Forge version


Minecraft version


Minecraft server


To Reproduce

  1. Place one (1) rail on the world.
  2. Turn the rail into a junction with a spike maul.
  3. Break the junction. It drops a rail and keeps a rail in the world.
  4. Break the rail.
  5. Now we have two (2) rails

Expected behavior

To be consistent with the other turns, breaking a junction shouldn't drop anything.

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