


Steam Oven crashes client with NullPointerException when smelting finishes

Questwizard opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description of the Bug
Every time the steam oven goes to play a sound when it finishes an operation, the client crashes with a NullPointerException. There are no errors, warnings, or other messages relating to Railcraft on the server console when the crash happens.

To Reproduce

  1. Build a Steam Oven(s) as normal.
    2 Supply items to smelt (in my case logs, and steam (using TE steam dynamo for this)
  2. Wait until the smelting operation finishes.
  3. Client crashes with a NullPointerException. With VanillaFix installed, it just throws a toast message with a link to open the crash report instead of closing the game. I tried disabling FoamFix's coremod functionality, as well as removing SoundFilters, and the issue still persisted.

Expected behavior
Expected to hear a sound indicating that the smelting operation finished.

Screenshots & Video
Screenshot of the setup that's causing the crash:
2019-07-29_09 07 07

Logs & Environment

Additional context
This is on a dedicated server that I'm hosting myself. The server doesn't show anything at all in the log at the time of the crashes.


related log: hastebin


Disabling sounds in the mod config and restarting the client and server causes the errors to go away. I'm guessing it might just be a wrong sound name, or a missing file somewhere.