


Steam locomotive not pulling water from tank cart

ExDomino opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Steam locomotive not pulling water from tank cart.

I checked:

  • Tank cart is water filtered;
  • Tank cart is linked to the steam locomotive;
  • Tank cart is full of water;
  • Steam locotomotive is half filled of water.

But the locomotive still not pulling water from the tank cart.
Also: shutting down the locomotive makes water level to low really faster than when idle or running.

Related: #1874
Image: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/41/1/1570406664-2019-10-06-20-03-02.png
(in this image, cart has 2000/32000 of water and locomotive is idle at about 4800/6000)

Minecraft: 1.12.2
Railcraft: 12.0.0


Steam locomotive cannot pull from tank if the tank is not directly connected at it.
Problem: if the locomotive is first, tank second and minecart third, you cannot control the locomotive: too far to open its gui !


That's working as intended. How are you supposed to pass water through a regular minecart? You have no pipes in that minecart.


Nice to see you still here, @liach

I think @ExDomino's concern is not the requirement of having the tank cart, but the player's inability to interact with the locomotive while a passenger in the cart following the tank.

That is, the requirement of having the tank cart in position two, means a rider in position three can no longer open the locomotive's GUI.


In related: #1874, it is mentioned that you need to add a filter to the tank cart. Once you have done that, the locomotive will pull water from the cart when the locomotive is less than half full, and will stop when it is more than half-full.


As I recall, steam loco only pulls water when the loco is less than half filled.


Not working, the steam locomotive is not at 815/6000, and the cart tank is full of water.
And it does HAVE a water filter on it !


I would like to add a control gui that opens whenever someone sits in train with a locomotive.