


Adding ore to generation in hell.

MrLador opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I wanted to add ore generation in hell. When trying to set the world to "-1", it is not generated.
Please help me find the error if there is one .
`ore {
# The number of ore blocks generated during each successful event. Each chunk generally gets 216 generation events, but not all events result in ore spawn due to chance settings and noise fields. [range: 1 ~ 16, default: 1]

# The y level that the mine will generate at. Generally you should keep this below 220 for vanilla height worlds. If your sea level is the normal 63, its usually best to stay below 50 as well due to the topsoil. [range: 10 ~ 2147483647, default: 15]

# The scale of the gaussian distribution used to spread the mine vertically, how tall it is. Note that it spreads above and blow the y level equally, so a value of 3 is roughly 6 blocks tall. [range: 1 ~ 20, default: 1]

# The seed used to create the noise map. Generally it is set to the atomic number of the element being generated, but it can be anything you want. Should be unique for each generator or your mines will generate in the same places, which can be desirable if you want to mix ores like Iron and Nickel. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 79]

# The generation type, can be either 'DIFFUSE' or 'MINE'. [default: MINE]

# The generator weight, larger weights generate later. You can use this to sort what order stuff is generated. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 100]

dimensions {
# Dimension IDs to disallow generation in. [default: [-1], [1]]
S:dimensionBlacklist <

    # Dimension IDs to allow generation in. Overrides blacklists. [default: [0]]
    S:dimensionWhitelist <

    # World Provider classes to disallow generation in. [default: [net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderHell], [net.minecraft.world.WorldProviderEnd]]
    S:worldProvidersBlacklist <

Oh, I bet I now what the problem is. I think the generators only replace vanilla stone.