Ore generation on other planets (galacticraft4)
whatisthat-wq opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi there!
I am running a server and recently installed railcraft. Because I had loaded a huge chunk on the overworld, I decide to load railcraft ore onto other planets (e.g. Mars). However, for some reason I cannot load it, or only load copper as default....
Here is the config (galacticraft config for ore generation)
Enter IDs of other mods' ores here for Galacticraft to generate them on the Moon and other planets. Format is BlockName or BlockName:metadata. Use optional parameters at end of each line: /RARE /UNCOMMON or /COMMON for rarity in a chunk; /DEEP /SHALLOW or /BOTH for height; /SINGLE /STANDARD or /LARGE for clump size; /XTRARANDOM for ores sometimes there sometimes not at all. /ONLYMOON or /ONLYMARS if wanted on one planet only. If nothing specified, defaults are /COMMON, /BOTH and /STANDARD. Repeat lines to generate a huge quantity of ores.
S:"Other mods ores for GC to generate on the Moon and planets" <
i think i might have got the wrong ID name, so please help with this :(
Thank you very much!