


Steam engines not excepting steam from boiler

bdhawkey opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm having an issue where my steam engines are not accepting steam from buildcraft pipes or liquiducts. The engines were working fine untill l one of them blew up due to excess power stored in the pipe. From that point on newly placed engines are not accepting steam on this boiler or any other. I've replaced all the pipe work and even replaced the boiler but I cannot get the engines to fill. The instance in question is running on server using the Direwiolf FTB pack (V4). The server has been restarted and the problem persists.


As an update to this issue it appears to be a client issue as the problem persists in a single player world. I've tried forcing an update of the FTP Pack and creating a new instance of the FTB launcher entirely and am still having the problem.


So....you are powering them with Redstone right?


Much to my shame I was not. Sorry for bothering you and thanks for creating a great mob (and supporting idiots like me)