[1.12.2] Potion particles fix overrides a Dynamic Surroundings setting
Cre8or opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I'm using RandomPatches alongside Dynamic Surroundings, and I've noticed that enabling the Particles fixes overrides Dynamic Surroundings' "Suppress Potion Particles" setting (under "Player Options"), causing potion particles to show on the player.
Ideally, the player's potion effects should still be suppressed when using both mods in this configuration.
Versions used:
- Minecraft 1.12.2
- Minecraft Forge v14.23.5.2836
- RandomPatches v1.17.2.1
- DynamicSurroundings v3.5.4.3
Unfortunately, CleanView doesn't work with RandomPatches.
I might be wrong, but with the patch, entities' potion particles might be doubled.
Sorry, I kinda forgot about this issue. :P
The issue is that both CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings only work on the EntityPlayerSP
instance but don't work on the EntityPlayerMP
instance.; hence, this is only relevant in singleplayer worlds.
EDIT: It should be clarified that they only work on the client-sided player instance and do not work on the server-sided player instance.
That is not true, client and server are separated even in singleplayer.
This problem happens on both singleplayer and multiplayer.
Perhaps I missed something while testing. I'll try again.
EDIT: CleanView works normally with just RandomPatches when connected to a dedicated server without RandomPatches. If RandomPatches is installed on the server, it stops working.
If I'm not mistaken, the game attempts to spawn particles on both the client and the server, but the server particles aren't spawning correctly due to MC-10369. This is fixed by RandomPatches, which is causing CleanView and Dynamic Surroundings to fail.
Fixed. :)
The flag Dynamic Surroundings is using, EntityLivingBase#HIDE_PARTICLES
, doesn't actually disable particles. I'm not entirely sure why, as I haven't performed a thorough investigation, but without RandomPatches installed, the game is still trying to create particles and failing. RandomPatches simply fixes the particles not spawning correctly. Since OreCruncher seems to be inactive, I'll see if I can work around this later.
Sorry for the late response, but I think the best option for now would be to use CleanView.