Rats change colour, apparently
IdrisQe opened this issue ยท 8 comments
So... The other night I was playing my world, and noticed my rat was albino...
Now I'm absolutely sure the rat I tamed when I started this world was not albino, but i figured maybe I just misremembered.
Today, when I loaded the world... It was not albino. Again, I didn't think much of it, but after returning from a mining trip, the exact same rat was standing and albino again.
I reloaded the world, and the rat was light brown (and standing again, but I sat him back down)
And on a hunch, I went far away so the chunks unloaded, then came back.
The rat was standing again... (Still the same rat! I only tamed one in this world, and he was still in the same place with the sitting behaviour!) and was now grey.
I left the area once more, to ensure I wasn't seeing things (I hadn't checked my screenshots yet)
and sure enough, when I came back, the rat was now dark brown, for some reason.
I reloaded the world again and he was grey again, but I didn't screenshot since I think the point is made. Tried searching my log but there wasn't anything about rat textures so I have no idea why the textures seem to be changing every time I reload. Is it because he isn't named, maybe? I have no idea.
I wanted to test it by
modImplementation 'software.bernie.geckolib:geckolib-fabric-1.16.5:3.0.15:dev'
However I get
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: field_4673
at ladysnake.ratsmischief.client.render.entity.RatEntityRenderer.<init>(RatEntityRenderer.java:25)
at ladysnake.ratsmischief.client.MischiefClient.lambda$onInitializeClient$0(MischiefClient.java:26)
at net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendereregistry.v1.EntityRendererRegistry.initialize(EntityRendererRegistry.java:82)
Seems that field_4673 cannot be remapped because its superclass is in geckolib but loom remap ignores geckolib's classes
I suspect that it's a networking issue. Why does RatEntity use custom spawn packet? https://github.com/Ladysnake/Rats-Mischief/blob/main/src/main/java/ladysnake/ratsmischief/common/entity/RatEntity.java#L213
LivingEntity's default createSpawnPacket implementation should be sufficient.
Probably fixed in IP 0.84 https://github.com/qouteall/ImmersivePortalsMod/releases/tag/v0.84-1.16
LivingEntity's default createSpawnPacket implementation should be sufficient.
Yes it should. I just made a custom packet implementation cause that's how I always do, most of my entities never being living entities and therefore requiring custom packets. I'll test without my custom packets, but nice if you managed to fix it!