- 1
Watchdog Crash with Rats spawn
#50 opened by itsdinkd - 1
New Rats update breaks game
#51 opened by itsdinkd - 0
Failed World Creating / load - Datapack incompatible errors.
#52 opened by TheRanker - 1
Wild elytrats are not in natural types, breaking wild elytrat texture
#56 opened by MoriyaShiine - 0
Cloning elytras using rats with elytrats equiped
#43 opened by Jlo1358 - 0
Loot Table path error
#42 opened by developedby - 0
Fails to load worlds when Origins is installed (1.18)
#58 opened by MoriyaShiine - 0
Request: Configurable item collection
#60 opened by yobson1 - 1
Request: Don't bring dropped items back
#61 opened by yobson1 - 1
Golden Rats lose texture when wearing Elytrat
#69 opened by bellcarved - 1
Rateline Elytrat Apears to Still not be Working
#68 opened by drzoidberg666 - 1
Broken textures on special rats with elytras, it happens to everyone except remy
#62 opened by DavidPipo - 1
#63 opened by ragnarok0353 - 0
Rats stuck in a loop of chasing tamed cats
#65 opened by lillifer - 1
rats and origins cant load any world
#66 opened by wackoamd1 - 2
says i need geckolib when i HAVE geckolib
#67 opened by Cedesect - 0
Enhancement: Rat Dummy
#70 opened by Jackwastakenx2 - 1
Rat seemingly lost its AI and collision
#71 opened by erynth - 1
[Crash] [1.18] REI Inspecio Incompatibility
#72 opened by greensad - 2
[1.18.1 Crash] Duplicate ID?
#74 opened by itsdinkd - 0
Port to 1.18.2
#75 opened by kittech0 - 1
No texture for rat spawn egg
#76 opened by Dejeh - 1
(1.18.1) Can only see rat entity from distance of 16 blocks
#77 opened by Dejeh - 0
fails to create world with origins installed
#81 opened by TheRanker - 1
source of incompatibility problem (maybe) found
#83 opened by Monozari - 2
Cannot load world with origins installed 1.18.2
#82 opened by Monozari - 3
Game crashes when spwning rat
#79 opened by TonicWater2006 - 2
[Rats Mischief 1.3.5 - Fabric 1.18.1] Mod crashes game on launch
#80 opened by Feelzor - 0
Incompatibility with Not Enough Breeding (crashes on rat breed)
#85 opened by AstrlJelly - 4
Server is crashing
#84 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 1
Looking at rats drops FPS considerably
#88 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 0
[1.18.2 Crash] Breaking certain blocks or dropping flint crashes
#86 opened by itsdinkd - 1
Missing Texture for Rat Spawn Egg
#87 opened by OfficialDio - 1
When I load Minecraft rat's fails to detect gecko lib inside my mods folder.
#89 opened by zorex73 - 1
No Different Rat types
#91 opened by GlitchyTechOffical - 1
Ticking Entity Error While Breeding Rats
#90 opened by BearfootNick - 2
(1.19) Rats Mischief crash on server starting up - "EntityCondition json type "ratsmischief:enable_rat" is not defined"
#92 opened by jaredniegas - 0
Can you add my Simplified Chinese translation?
#94 opened by VAN-192 - 2
New rat easter egg to remember my pet who just passed (Suggestion)
#95 opened by Xfrtrex - 0
Friends see Rats as Pigs
#97 opened by Ratman28 - 2
Rats not spawning
#98 opened by stoneshout - 0
Server crashes from Rat's Mishchief 1.19.2 1.4.0
#100 opened by Specimen-420 - 0
#101 opened by ereese99 - 0
1.16.5 Dupe with botania
#102 opened by PydingAbsorber - 2
Rats not spawning (1.19.2)
#103 opened by enzomtpYT - 1
Dungeon Difficulty mod multiplies Rat health and damage
#104 opened by CPSRYAN - 5
1.17 Recipe Conflict
#34 opened by hazard975 - 3
Rats spawn everywhere
#36 opened by d4rkm0nkey - 10
Rats are pigs
#37 opened by AceSkym - 1
Every Day is Rat Day?
#39 opened by queenielawrens