Real Filing Cabinet

Real Filing Cabinet


shift+leftclicking the air not working with Fluid folder

poswar opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Getting lava from pool is now very hard as shift+leftclicking the air is not working with realfilingcabinet-1.12- and forge

It looks like the code bellow is not beeing called:


public boolean onEntitySwing(EntityLivingBase entityLiving, ItemStack stack) {
	if (entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer && entityLiving.isSneaking()) {
		if (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.getItem() == this) {
			if (stack.getItemDamage() == 4) {	
				NBTTagCompound tag = stack.getTagCompound();
				tag.setBoolean(StringLibs.RFC_PLACEMODE, !tag.getBoolean(StringLibs.RFC_PLACEMODE));
				return true;
	return false;



it was left out of the mod in later releases following a rewrite. the reasoning behind this was realizing the onEntitySwing method caused minor issues with the fluid folders considering being inserted/taken out of the filing cabinet being a "swing event" and toggling place modes accordingly.

it has been re-introduced to the mod again, as of version though this time the means of toggling is shift+scroll while holding any of the filled fluid folders.