Cannot pick up TiC tools when dropped; render as normal vanilla item
MasterBuilder747 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
When I die with my tinkers tools, everything but the tools are able to be picked up. They are also rendered normally as a vanilla item, and for some reason cannot be picked up unless I force pick them up like with a thermal innovation creative magnet. THis is very tedious and annoying and I feel that maybe it has to do with the fat that tools are immune to lava (jump right out of lava regardless of the tool, completely avoiding it like an entity?) You might need to ask @KnightMiner about this when trying to fix it, but it is very annoying atm.
Tinkers Tools use a custom entity, so it's possible this mod does not properly cueck for those.
also to add, what i find even weirder is that when i directly drop the tools, they sometimes dupe a stick, idk why its not the actual item, but it seems part of the bug as well.
I found this happens with the mod Tweakers Construct installed and the option "Tool Uninvincibility" set to True. I can't say if that's the problem you're having but if you are using Tweakers Construct disabling that option fixes the issue but makes TiC tools invincible again
oh yes, i forgot i had that mod! I have disabled it and I will test right now if it works.