Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


BoP biomes not recognized in 1.11

Zeno410 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


RTG-1.11, BoP 2128, and GC 0.8.5

RTG is not recognizing the BoP biomes. They are there: GC finds them and BoP generates its own worldtype just fine, but RTG puts this in the log files:

[14:25:37] [Client thread/WARN] [FML/rtg]: [RTG-WARN] WARNING! RTG could not find a realistic version of Alps (41) from biomesoplenty.common.biome.overworld.BiomeGenAlps. (If Alps is a non-Overworld biome, then this is not an error.)

Steps to reproduce the issue: (If it's easily reproducible.)

Run BoP, GC, and RTG together under 1.11 with patch biome set to -1.


Forgot to lowercase BOP's mod ID in RBBOPBase.addBiomes() ... this will get fixed in #1114


I win again.

I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the temptation ;)