Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


pfaa geologica boulders from rtg

31trainman opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Could rtg generate boulders from the various pfaa mod rock types?


We would need some sort of API function from pfaa which would return a cobblestone type from a BlockPos. Also OK if we can get a stone type we can get a cobblestone version from.


Without an API or an IMC implementation, this isn't going to be possible.

I'm closing this for now, but if @lawremi ever adds an API for this sort of thing, we'll be happy to re-open and add support for Geologica boulders.


Maybe you could just look in the ore dictionary for blocks registered under "stone" or "cobblestone" and pick one to generate a boulder? That would work across many mods. May want a configurable blacklist for the weird cases.