Realistic Terrain Generation

Realistic Terrain Generation


Surface Lava Pools do not generate

WesCook opened this issue ยท 3 comments

Affected Mod Versions:
  • Forge version:
  • RTG version:
Issue Description:

Surface lava pools do not appear to generate regardless of their setting in the config file.

I'd read that this was a bug and they generate under the surface, but I'm not sure if this is accurate.

Steps to reproduce the issue:
  1. In rtg.cfg, set surface lava pools to 1 (most frequent).
  2. Set underground lakes to disabled to avoid confusing them.
  3. Fly around. At maximum generation rate, you would expect them to be common. Underground pools generate everywhere when maxed out.

Surface lava lakes are currently disabled (hard-coded). They may be re-enabled in the future when their generation can be improved.


Sorry, I didn't see that anywhere.


Frack! 1.7.10 user crying here. I would of accepted the current system as i need it.